Checking all the growing process' countries, we notice that they're not performing very well to succeed in growth. But some of these countries have grown a lot and are almost getting the tittle of a "Developed Country". For instance: South Korea, China, Chile, etc.
Of course, there's not a general way to grow like that, but , at least, there's something in common in these countries: all of them put a lot of money in education.
I don't think we must change things in the educational system. What makes it degraded is the lack of investments. On this subject, we're freshman. If we have a great education in a country, we grow on account of having more intelligent, active people, searching for self-growth, helping in technology growth and influencing on the country's economy.
In Brazil, we have a lot of schools, but we don't have people interested about learning. In Brazil, we have a lot of teachers, but we don't pay them enough, desmotivating the profession. In Brazil, we have great universities, but we have more people than they can receive. In Brazil, we have good teaching strategies, being at school for nine years, having the integral schools, etc, but they aren't put in action. These are some problems that have an easy solution: money.
If government holds the responsability of investing more in education, the problems above can be solved.
Succeeding on that, we may be walking to get a "Developed Country"!